Sunday, March 27, 2011

When Rumi gets in the car, he immediately assumes he's in charge. You can see him here in the front seat looking very alert and responsible. I think that's because he's a water dog; he thinks he's driving the boat.

In my art, I am looking at color v. black and white. If I "mute" the colors with a dark scrim and frame, does that contain them in a way that they do not seem contained without? (as seen from above). I like the idea that the colors want to run wild regardless~

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I went to the Peabody Essex Museum to hear Margaret Livingstone talk on the eye and the brain - hopefully I'll be a better(smarter?) artist thanks to her research. It was really informative.

Meantime, the pup got gorgeous. I hope you agree.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Rumi lovinglovingloving his kale. MMM-mmm-mmm. Or "woof!" I can smell some you left on the counter! That pup...(and don't be fooled by the photo. He eats a pile of kale. When there is a lot in front of him, his head is a blur of excitement)

And colors. I am playing with the intensity or not of the soft pink.

In the other piece, I'm still seeing if I can get the greys to look green and vice versa. This is an overhead view : just shows the "ingredients".

Thursday, March 24, 2011

We were supposed to get several inches of snow - as you can see, luckily, it wasn't much. That's Rumi saying, "Is that all?" He ran so hard this morning. He loves the cold.

I am thinking about color constancy: when you know something is blue, your brain sees it as blue regardless of the light conditions, which the camera may see as very different. So, I am thinking that the translucent cloth is acting as light - changing the colors you see through it. But, of course,on the blog the camera is recording, so what you see is what the camera sees (not a good test for color constancy).

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

When I picked up Rumi as a puppy, the breeders told me that Portuguese water dogs don't retrieve. Dear Rumi not only retrieves endlessly, but he collects balls. I will throw one tennis ball and he will come back with 2. I have so many balls now - all old and well-used. If he didn't find them all the time, I'd have an excuse to get a decent one that had some bounce to it~

As for my art. I decided to add some more color to the landscape piece - I repainted the upper right corner of the big frame (hard to tell) and added a pink circle behind light organza in the back - also subtle.
So then I began to work on this next one - the idea being a garden-scape from above. Lots of color. My camera struggles to capture color well.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The piece keeps morphing. I feel pretty excited about this evolution.

6:30 AM this morning, Rumi is ready to enjoy the snow - it's a little too dark to see the ball in his mouth~